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About Shut The Faucet

No matter where in the world we live, we need water and we use water.  Some of us face water scarcity more than others and, through that experience, we have created or learned ways to conserve water.  Shut The Faucet’s goal is to bring your best practices, as told by you, to one place.  It’s your chance to tell your water-saving stories, and let your actions empower others.  Whether you are an everyday person like we at Shut The Faucet are, a business, a school, a group, a governmental body, a family, a village – just call it out. And there’s no small action.  All of our actions have value, so tell us what you do to value water as a limited resource.  Use Twitter and Instagram, with #ShutTheFaucet, to say it in words or images (umm, who doesn’t love pictures and videos?).  Water is a serious issue, but it doesn’t mean you have to be.


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